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The following pictures are our contribution to the preservation of our American Agricultural Heritage and the legacy of the farm families that worked in the industry.

John Deere Model M John Deere 2520

John Deere Model M owned by John and Mary Otradovec of Kewaunee, WI

John Deere 2520 owned by Rob Moede of Algoma, WI

John Deere AR John Deere 4955

John Deere AR owned by Larry Dellis of Casco, WI

John Deere 4955 owned by Jack Treml of Casco, WI

John Deere 40 Ford 901 Powermaster

This is a Restored John Deere 40 Owned by Larry Dellis of Casco, WI

Ford 901 Powermaster, Owned by Tex Dellis of Casco WI

IH M CC Case

IH M owned by Faye and Lloyd Patoka of DePere, WI

CC Case Owned by Ron Delain of Casco, WI

1944 Farmall H John Deere 4430

1944 Farmall H owned by Arlin Monfils of Casco, WI

4430 John Deere Owned by Joe Kinstetter of Luxemburg, WI

Farmall M International Super A

Farmall M owned by Arlin Monfils of Casco, WI

Farmall Super A owned by Ron Moede of Casco, WI

D10 Allis Chalmers 1937 AR Tractor

D-10 Allis Chalmers owned by Tex Dellis of Casco WI

1937 AR owned by Larry(Tex) Dellis of Casco, WI
Restored by Treml Repair and Implement Co., LLC of Casco, WI

350 international harvester 1940 sc case tractor

350 International Harvester owned by Pete Horton of Sturgeon Bay

1940 SC Case Owned By Pete Horton Sturgeon Bay, WI

1948 IH MD 1948 IH MD

1948 IH MD owned by Dick Bultman of Casco, WI

1951 John Deere MT owned by Dick Bultman of Casco, WI

1944 John Deere A Model 20 Pedal Tractor

1944 John Deere A owned by Dennis and Adrienne Kaster of Stevens Point

Model 20 John Deere pedal tractor owned by Barb Jadin of Casco, WI

560 IH  Allis Chalmers Corn Planter

560 IH owned by Pete Horton of Sturgeon Bay, WI

Allis Chalmers corn planter owned by Tex Dellis of Casco, WI

Allis Chalmers Corn Planter 1960 460 IH

Allis Chalmers corn planter owned by Tex Dellis of Casco, WI

1960 460 IH Owned by Pete Horton of Sturgeon Bay, WI